Finder Icon CMM Plug-in is the MacOS 8 Contextual Menu Plug-in that makes it easy to operate (copy, paste and clear) custom icons under the Finder.
With this CMM plug-in, you don't have to open the "Get Info" dialog box to operate the custom icons for the file/folder/volume.
Copies the icon of the selected item to the clipboard.
Pastes the icon or PICT data in the clipboard to the selected items (file/folder/volumes).
Clear Custom Icon
Clears the custom icons from the selected items.
• It can operate multiple items at a time.
• It use not only the icon data but also PICT data in the clipboard for pasting as the custom icon.
Icon operation in the Finder's "Get Info" dialog can use PICT data and it scale down to 32x32 dot size and paste it to the selected item. Finder Icon CMM Plug-in simulate this precisely. This would be the nice feature since you can create custom icon from whatever PICT data in the clipboard (screenshot, copied image from graphic application, etc)
Note: This plug-in does not unlock the locked file to clear or paste icon. It reports error to the user.
You must be using MacOS 8 or later. This Contexual Menu Plug-in works only with PowerPC Macintosh computers. So please make sure that you have the right computer. To install the plug-in, simply drag it to the System Folder icon. The Finder will place it in the Contextual Menu Items subfolder. Next time you reboot, it will be loaded.
Since Mac OS 8.5 introduced new 32bit color icon and this 32bit color icon uses different resource from old icon resources, I had to create two separate CMM plug-ins, the one for Mac OS 8 and the one for Mac OS 8.5 (or later).
Please be sure to install the right one from either 'For Mac OS 8' or 'For Mac OS 8.5' folder.
For Mac OS 8 - The CMM plug-in in this folder can also be used with Mac OS 8.5, but it does not support 32bit color icons.
For Mac OS 8.5 - The CMM plug-in in this folder can not be used with Mac OS 8 or 8.1. It supports 32bit color icons with Mac OS 8.5 or later.
In addition to this, you need to have the following two files in the Extensions folder of the System folder:
Contextual Menu Extension
SOMobjects™ for Mac OS
To remove a plug-in, just drag it out of the Contextual Menu Items folder. Next time you reboot, it will not be loaded.
Using the plug-in
Since this is a very simple CMM plug-in, you will easily learn how to use it after trying to use it for a couple of times.
Version-up History
2.0 Oct 17, 1998
• Creared separate plug-in for Mac OS 8.5. This supports 32bit color icon.
• Fixed a minor bug.
1.01 Jul 8, 1998
• Fixed a bug that the file that was removed the custom icon can not be deleted from the Trash with the message "The item is being used or locked".
There's no technical support available for this software. However, your comments and bug reports are always welcome. Please send your e-mail to Hide Itoh <>.
While the author of this software has made every effort to deliver a high quality product, The author does not guarantee that this product is free from defects. The author is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser's computer system or data and in no event will I be responsible to the purchaser for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of data) arising out of the use or inability to use this product, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you. The use of this software includes the complete agreement of this disclaimer.
Special Thanks to:
Trygve Isaacson for the great and easy-to-use frameworks for the CMM plug-in development.